
Bryan Jones • July 21, 2024
In Matthew 5:27-30, Jesus says not to even look at someone with lust, as it's like committing adultery in your heart. He teaches us to remove anything that leads to sin and how to deal with lust in a godly way.

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Divorce and Oaths

J.C. Thompson | 7/28/2024

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus clarifies and expounds on teachings prevalent in His day. In Matthew 5:31-37, He teaches us to prioritize marriage and reconciliation. He tells us not to make oaths or swear by anything. Instead, prioritize truthfulness.

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Current Series

Jesus at the Center of the Kingdom

Perry Duggar, Bryan Jones and J.C. Thompson

June 23, 2024  through  August 11, 2024

In this 8-week series, we learn what it truly means to center our lives on Jesus and His Kingdom, allowing His teachings to shape our thoughts, actions and relationships.

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Daily Devotionals

Satan opposes two things: prayer and spending time in the Bible. Why? Because it's our source of power. It allows us to recharge our faith, something we should do daily. Whether you're comfortable with prayer or you've never really prayed before, these devotionals will be catalytic in helping your faith grow and keeping Jesus at the center.